River Action UK has launched a new campaign that seeks to confront river pollution from what they believe to be the source: defunding in environmental protection.
Over the last ten years, the government agencies in England and Wales that have the duty of monitoring river quality and enforcing environmental regulations have faced serious cuts. The Environment Agency’s funding has been slashed by 75%, destabilising its power and coherence.
This has had a serious impact on the guardianship of our rivers. Without proper funding, court actions have decreased by 98% and the prosecution’s of polluting businesses have fallen by 88%. It can hardly be viewed as a coincidence.
River Action is launching a nationwide campaign targeted at the UK and Welsh governments to secure a doubling of the Environmental Protection budgets of their related agencies. They state that the total annual cost of doing so is the equivalent of constructing less than 250 metres of HS2!
Please show your support and sign the petition here - https://www.change.org/p/the-uk-and-welsh-governments-double-environmental-protection-budgets-in-england-wales-to-fight-river-pollution?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_29115651_en-GB%3A6&recruiter=1207476079&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=G%3ESearch%3ESAP%3EUK%3EBrand%3EAll-Match_Types