Happy New Year!
We hope that you have had a magical start to 2022 and are feeling rejuvenated and excited for the year ahead.
2022 feels like it is ripe for change: it feels like it is the year that Rivers will get the healing that they so deserve. This will require change across the system, from new policies and legislation to individual behaviour change; everyone will play a crucial part. So, to kick off the year, we have put forward a New Year New River challenge, which outlines simple and direct steps that could radically transform the River Medway’s health. The list is relatively long and it is not expected that you will make these transformations immediately. See it as an incremental challenge: any change is better than no change.
Good luck! And remember:
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that one missing drop” — Mother Teresa
Keep us updated with your progress #NewYearNewRiver. :)
Before starting, the ultimate #1 is to connect to the River - in whatever way feels right! Whether it be walking by the river, reciting some poetry to her, or sitting in silence and listening to the music of her waters - it will help form a relationship and ultimately friendship with the River, one that will last you a lifetime. Then, you can begin the more 'practical' journey:
I pledge to…
2. Switch to eco-friendly products
3. Choose local and sustainable food products
4. Save water
5. Prevent blockages
6. Only use pet flea treatments when necessary